OB-6 Module
OB-6 Module
OB-6 Module
OB-6 Module
OB-6 Module
OB-6 Module
OB-6 Module
OB-6 Module

OB-6 Module

12,526 ポイント
OB-6 Module


キャンペーン期間:2025/03/05 10:00 〜 2025/03/20 23:59まで





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Dave Smith Instruments OB-6 は、アメリカン・シンセの 2 人のレジェンド Dave Smith と Tom Oberheim が共同開発した 6 ボイス・アナログポリシンセです。

サウンドの核となるフィルターは重厚なブラス・サウンドで一世を風靡した SEM マルチモード・フィルターを搭載。完全なアナログ回路で構成された VCO、VCF VCA にデジタル・エフェクト、ステップシーケンサー、アルペジエーター 等の機能が加わり現代的な音作りが可能です。




OSCILLATORS・Two discrete VCOs per voice
・Continuously variable wave shape (sawtooth and variable-width pulse, plus triangle on oscillator 2) per oscillator
・Pulse width per oscillator
・Hard sync: oscillator 1 syncs to oscillator 2
・Square wave sub-octave generator (oscillator 1) per voice
・Low frequency mode (oscillator 2)
・Keyboard tracking on/off (oscillator 2)
・Oscillator detune amount for increased tuning instability, from subtle to extreme
MIXER・Oscillator 1 amount
・Oscillator 1 sub-octave amount
・Oscillator 2 amount
・White noise amount
STATE-VARIABLE FILTER・Two-pole, resonant, filter per voice with low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and notch functionality inspired by the original Oberheim SEM filter
・Bi-polar filter envelope amount
・Velocity modulation of envelope amount
・Keyboard tracking: off, half, full
FILTER ENVELOPE・Four-stage (ADSR) envelope generator
・Velocity modulation of envelope amount
AMPLIFIER ENVELOPE・Four-stage (ADSR) envelope generator
・Velocity modulation of envelope amount
LOW FREQUENCY OSCILLATOR・Five wave shapes: sine, sawtooth, reverse sawtooth, square, and random (sample and hold)
・Clock sync (internal or external MIDI clock)
・Initial amount
・Mod destinations: oscillator 1 frequency, oscillator 2 frequency, oscillator 1 and 2 pulse width, filter cutoff, filter mode, amp
X-MOD・Sources: filter envelope (bi-polar) and oscillator 2 (bi-polar)
・Destinations: oscillator 1 frequency, oscillator 1 shape, oscillator 1 pulse width, filter cutoff, filter mode, normal to bandpass filter
AFTERTOUCH・Source: channel (mono) aftertouch with bi-polar amount
・Destinations: oscillator 1 frequency, oscillator 2 frequency, LFO amount, amplifier envelope amount, filter envelope amount, filter mode
CLOCK・Master clock with tap tempo
・BPM control and display
・MIDI clock sync
ARPEGGIATOR・Selectable note value: 16th note, 8th note triplet, 8th note, dotted 8th note, quarter note
・One, two, or three octave range
・Up, down, up/down, random, and assign modes
SEQUENCER・Polyphonic step sequencer with up to 64 steps and rests
EFFECTS・Stereo analog distortion
・Dual, 24-bit, 48 kHz digital effects, including: reverb (room, hall, plate, spring), delay (full bandwidth digital delay and emulated bucket brigade), chorus, flanger, phase shifters, and ring modulator
・Delay sync
・True bypass maintains fully analog signal path when digital effects are off
PERFORMANCE CONTROLS・Full-sized, semi-weighted, 4-octave keyboard with velocity and aftertouch
・Backlit pitch and mod wheels
・Spring-loaded pitch wheel with selectable range per program (1 to 12 semitones up and down)
・Transpose controls for an 8-octave range
・Hold switch latches held notes on
・Polyphonic portamento
・Unison (monophonic) mode with configurable voice count, from one to all six voices, chord memory, and key modes
・Manual switch: when on, the front panel is live; what you see is what you hear
PATCH MEMORY・500 user and 500 factory programs in 10 banks of 100 programs each
・Direct program access, including single-button access to the current set of 10 programs
IN/OUT・Left/mono and right audio outputs (2 x 1/4” phone jack)
・Headphone output (stereo, 1/4” phone jack)
・MIDI in, out, and thru ports
・USB for bidirectional MIDI communication
・Filter cutoff expression pedal input
・Volume expression pedal input
・Sustain footswitch input
・Sequencer start/stop footswitch input
POWER・EC AC power inlet for internal power supply
・Operates worldwide on voltages between 100 and 240 volts at 50 to 60 Hz; 30 watts maximum power consumption
PHYSICAL SPECS・20.75” L x 7.8” W x 4.4″ H (52.0 cm x 19.8 cm x 11.2 cm)
・13.0 lbs (5.9 kg)
・Walnut end panels

Staff Review



