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製品概要このコレクションは、大規模なオーケストラのアレンジメント用の楽器、いわゆる"ワーグナー・オーケストラル・ブラス" を収録しています。ワーグナーの「Ring」的な、バストランペット、コントラバス・トロンボーン、ワーグナーチューバ、コントラバス・チューバがあり、各楽器に対してスタンダードな単音と、様々なパフォーマンス・アーティキュレーション(インターバル・パフォーマンス、リピティション、パフォーマンス・トリルなど)を収録しています。また、ウィンナホルンの代わるものとして、『VIENNA INSTRUMENTS BRASS II』では、新しいソロホルン、トリプルホルン、ヤマハのマスターインストゥルメント(F/B♭/high F)を、それぞれ最も低い部分(A1)まで収録しました。

更には、ピッコロ・トランペット、VSLプロ・エディションからチンバッソ(チューバ)、ホライズン・シリーズからはあの人気の高いエピックホルン(『VSL HORIZON EPIC HORNS』)を収録。その表現力の高い8つのダブルホルンをもってすれば、劇的な後期ロマン派オーケストラのみならず、現代ハリウッド映画風の非常にインパクトある演奏にチャレンジすることも可能です。

VIENNA INSTRUMENTSソフトウェアは、市場で最もパワフルなバーチャル・インストゥルメントです。バックグランドでは膨大なサンプルデータを容易に扱うことができるほか、インテリジェントなパフォーマンス・アルゴリズムを搭載したことによって簡単操作を実現。快適かつ効率的なヴァーチャル・オーケストレーションが可能です。



01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato short
・Sustained with light and without vibrato
・Portato short with soft attack
・Portato medium, normal, marcato, and with soft attack
・Portato long, with light vibrato, marcato and soft attack; with strong vibrato, normal and soft attack; without vibrato, normal, marcato, and with soft attack
・Sustained with strong and progressive vibrato
02 DYNAMICS・Crescendo-diminuendo with vibrato, 5 and 9 sec.
・Crescendo and diminuendo with vibrato, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 5 sec.
・Crescendo and diminuendo without vibrato, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, and 6 sec.
・Crescendo-diminuendo without vibrato, 4, 8, and 12 sec.
03 FLATTER + TRILLS・Flutter tonguing, normal and crescendo
・Trills, minor and major 2nd, fast
・Trills, minor and major 2nd, slow and accelerando
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato without vibrato, normal and sustain crossfading・Legato with vibrato, normal and with sustain crossfading
11 PERF INTERVAL FAST・Legato・Marcato
12 PERF TRILL・Trills, legato, minor to major 2nd
13 PERF REPETITION・Legato slow
・Legato fast
・Dynamics, legato slow and fast, staccato
14 FAST REPETITION・Staccato, 9 repetitions, 140?180, and 200 BPM
・Normal and dynamics
15 UPBEAT REPETITION・1 and 3 upbeats, 80?140, 160, 180, and 200 BPM
・2 upbeats, 90?140, 160, 180, and 200 BPM
16 GRACE NOTES・Grace notes
Minor and major 2nd
Up and down
17 SCALE RUNS・Octave runs, legato
・Major, C to B key
・Up and down
18 MORDENTS・Mordents, legato
・Up and down
・6 variations each
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (p, mf, f)

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato short
・Sustained with light and without vibrato
・Portato short with soft attack
・Portato medium with and without vibrato, marcato, and with soft attack
・Portato long, with normal (2 variations), progressive, and without vibrato, marcato and soft attack
・Sustained with normal, progressive, and without vibrato
02 DYNAMICS・Crescendo-diminuendo without vibrato, 4 and 6 sec.
・Medium crescendo and diminuendo with vibrato, 1.5, 3, and 5 sec.; without vibrato, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 sec.
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo with vibrato, 3, 4, and 6 sec.; without vibrato, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, and 6 sec.
・Crescendo-diminuendo with vibrato, 6 sec.; without vibrato, 8 sec.
03 FLATTER + TRILLS・Flutter tonguing, normal and crescendo
・Trills, minor and major 2nd
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato without vibrato・Legato without vibrato, sustain crossfading
・Legato with vibrato, normal and with sustain crossfading
11 PERF INTERVAL FAST・Legato・Marcato
12 PERF REPETITION・Legato slow
・Staccato fast
・Legato fast
・Staccato slow
・Legato dynamics
・Portato, staccato slow and fast crescendo
13 FAST REPETITION・Staccato, 9 repetitions, 150 to 180, and 200 BPM
・Normal and crescendo
14 UPBEAT REPETITION・1?3 upbeats, 80?140, 160, 180, and 200 BPM
15 GRACE NOTES・Grace notes
・Minor and major 2nd
・Up and down
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (p, mp, f)

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato short
・Portato medium
02 DYNAMICS・Crescendo-diminuendo, 2 and 4 sec.
・Light crescendo and diminuendo, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 sec.
・Medium crescendo and diminuendo, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, and 6 sec.
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo, 2, 3, 4, and 6 sec.
・Crescendo-diminuendo, 3 and 8 sec.
03 FLATTER・Flutter tonguing normal and crescendo
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato・Marcato
11 PERF INTERVAL FAST・Legato・Marcato
12 PERF TRILL・Trills, legato, minor to major 2nd
・Dynamics for all repetitions
14 FAST REPETITION・Staccato, 9 repetitions, 140 to 180 BPM
・Normal and dynamics
15 UPBEAT REPETITION・1?3 upbeats, 90?140, 160, 180, and 200 BPM
16 GLISSANDI・Performance glissandos, minor 3rd to octave
・Fixed glissandos, 4th to octave, up and down
・Slow octave glissando
・Please note that fixed glissandos have different up and down ranges.
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (p, mp, f, ff)

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato short
・Sustained with and without vibrato
・Portato medium, normal and soft attack, and marcato
・Portato long, with and without vibrato, with soft attack, and marcato
02 DYNAMICS・Fortepiano
・Light crescendo and diminuendo, 1.5, and 2 sec.
・Medium crescendo and diminuendo, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 sec.
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo, 4 and 6 sec.
03 FLATTER・Flutter tonguing normal and crescendo
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato・Legato with sustain crossfading
・Staccato fast
・Staccato slow
・Dynamics for all repetitions
12 FAST REPETITION・Staccato, 9 repetitions, 150 to 190 BPM
・Normal and dynamics
13 UPBEAT REPETITION・1?3 upbeats, 80?150 BPM
14 GRACE NOTES・Grace notes
・Minor and major 2nd
・Up and down
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (p, mp, mf, f, ff)

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato medium
・Portato medium, marcato
・Portato long
02 DYNAMICS・Crescendo-diminuendo, 4 and 6 sec.
・Light crescendo and diminuendo, 1, 1.5, and 2 sec.
・Medium crescendo and diminuendo, 3, 4, and 6 sec.
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo, 3 and 4 sec.
03 FLATTER + FX・Flutter tonguing normal and crescendo・Arpeggios, up/down and down/up
・Duphonic playing, var. A and B
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato・Legato with sustain crossfading
11 PERF REPETITION・Portato slow
・Portato fast
・Dynamics, portato slow and fast
A12 UPBEAT REPETITION'・1?3 upbeats, 80?150 BPM
13 GLISSANDI・Performance glissandos, minor 2nd to major 3rd
・Fixed glissandos, minor 2nd to 4th, up and down
・Please note that fixed glissandos have different up and down ranges.
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (p, mf, f)

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato medium
・Portato medium, soft and hard attack
・Portato long, soft and hard attack
02 DYNAMICS・Fortepiano
・Medium crescendo and diminuendo, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, and 6 sec.
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo, 3, 4, and 5 sec.
03 FLATTER + TRILLS・Flutter tonguing
・Trills, minor and major 2nd
04 MUTE BASIC・Portato medium and long
・Crescendo and diminuendo, 3 and 4 sec.
・Flutter tonguing, crescendo
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato・Legato with sustain crossfading
11 PERF INTERVAL FAST・Legato・Marcato
12 PERF TRILL・Trills, legato, minor to major 2nd
13 PERF REPETITION・Portato slow
・Staccato fast
・Portato fast
・Staccato slow
14 UPBEAT REPETITION・1?3 upbeats, 80?150 BPM
15 GRACE NOTES・Grace notes
・Minor and major 2nd
・Up and down
98 RESOURCES・Single layer long notes (p, mf, f)

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato short
・Portato medium and long
02 DYNAMICS・Crescendo-diminuendo, 4 and 6 sec.
・Medium crescendo and diminuendo, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, and 6 sec.
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo, 3, 4, and 6 sec.
03 FLATTER・Flutter tonguing normal and crescendo
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato・Marcato
11 PERF INTERVAL FAST・Legato・Marcato
12 PERF TRILL・Trills, legato, minor to major 2nd
13 PERF REPETITION・Legato slow
・Staccato slow
・Legato fast
・Staccato fast
・Dynamics for all repetitions
14 UPBEAT REPETITION・1 upbeat, 80?140, 160, and 180 BPM
・2 and 3 upbeats, 80?140, 160, 180, and 200 BPM
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (pp, mp, f, ff)

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato medium
・Portato medium, marcato
・Portato long, normal and marcato
02 DYNAMICS・Fortepiano
・Light crescendo and diminuendo, 1, 1.5, and 2 sec.
・Medium crescendo and diminuendo, 2, 3, 4, and 6 sec.
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo, 2, 3, and 4 sec.
03 FLATTER・Flutter tonguing normal and crescendo
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato・Legato with sustain crossfading
11 PERF INTERVAL FAST・Legato・Marcato
12 PERF TRILL・Trills, legato, minor to major 2nd
・Staccato fast
・Staccato slow
・Dynamics for all repetitions
14 UPBEAT REPETITION・1?3 upbeats, 80?150 BPM
15 GRACE NOTES・Grace notes
・Minor and major 2nd
・Up and down
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (p, mf, f)

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato short
・Portato medium
・Sustained, blared
02 DYNAMICS・Crescendo-diminuendo, 6 sec.
・Medium crescendo and diminuendo, 2, 3, and 5 sec.
03 FLATTER + TRILLS・Flutter tonguing, normal and crescendo
・Trills, minor and major 2nd
・Minor and major chords
・Dynamics for all repetitions
12 FAST REPETITION・Staccato, 9 repetitions, 140 to 180 BPM
・Normal and dynamics
13 UPBEAT REPETITION・1?3 upbeats, 80?140, and 160 BPM
14 GLISSANDI・Performance glissandos, normal and fast, minor 3rd to octave
・Fixed glissandos, 4th to octave, up and down
・Slow octave glissando
・Please note that fixed glissandos have different up and down ranges.
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (p, mp, f, ff)

・本製品のご利用にはiLok License Manager(無償)の導入と、iLokドングル(iLok2/iLok3)またはiLok Cloud(ドングル不要)を使用した認証が別途必要です。
