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ビエナ・シンフォニック・ライブラリの制作初期から、第一線で活躍する演奏家達がソリストやアンサンブルのリーダーとして加担し、本ウッドウィンドの素晴らしい個性とサウンドを作りあげてきました。Gisela Mashayekhi-Beer氏はチューリッヒ・オペラオーケストラのソロフルート奏者であり、ブルックナー大学やウイーン音楽大学で教鞭をとっていた人物です。Markus Deuter氏は今なお数々のドイツのオーケストラで活躍する第1オーボエ奏者で、今回はフレンチオーボエの収録のために特別に参加してくださいました。クラリネット奏者の Daniel Horth氏は、その若さにもかかわらず、ウイーン・フィルハーモニック、ウイーン・シンフォニックオーケストラ、そのほか数々のオーケストラで国際的な活躍を見せています。Martin Machovits氏は、ウイーン・ラジオシンフォニー・オーケストラのソロバスーン奏者として有名です。

フレンチオーボエは、『VSL HORIZON FRENCH OBOE』を踏襲していますから、ビブラートの演奏も広くカバーしています。また、本『VIENNA INSTRUMENTS WOODWINDS I』では、既存のVSLプロ・エディションやホライズン・シリーズに比べても、非常に多くの新規アーティキュレーションを追加収録しています。ソロとアンサンブルの両方に対して、新しくレガートやマルカートの高速インターバル・パフォーマンスや、ノーマル・テンポのマルカート・インターバル・パフォーマンス、パフォーマンス・トリルなどを収録しています。ソロ・インストゥルメントでは更に、フルートとクラリネットにアルペジオを(メジャー、マイナー、ディミニッシュ・ブロークンコードをレガートとスタッカートで)追加していますし、フルートでのモルデント、フレンチオーボエのフラッター・タンギングなどは特筆すべきものでしょう。また、ソロフルートのゆっくりとしたレガート・リピティションも、非常に魅力溢れるサウンドです。
VIENNA INSTRUMENTS PROソフトウェアは、市場で最もパワフルなバーチャル・インストゥルメントです。バックグランドでは膨大なサンプルデータを容易に扱うことができるほか、インテリジェントなパフォーマンス・アルゴリズムを搭載したことによって簡単操作を実現。快適かつ効率的なヴァーチャル・オーケストレーションが可能です。


・フルート 1
フルート 1

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato short
・Sustained with and without vibrato
・Portato medium
・Portato long with strong and without vibrato
・Tongue-ram staccato
・Sustained with progressive vibrato
02 DYNAMICS・Crescendo-diminuendo with vibrato, 3 and 6 sec.
・Fortepiano without vibrato
・Sforzato without vibrato
・Medium crescendo and diminuendo with vibrato 2, 3, and 5 sec.
・Medium crescendo and diminuendo without vibrato 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 sec.
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo without vibrato 4 and 6 sec.
・pfp 9 sec., fpf 6 and 9 sec.
・Fortepiano and sforzato with vibrato
・Sforzatissimo with and without vibrato
03 FLATTER + TRILLS・Flutter tonguing normal and dynamics
・Trills normal, minor and major 2nd
・Trills, minor and major 3rd
・Trills accelerando, minor and major 2nd
・Dynamics for all trills
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato・Grace notes, legato, minor 2nd to octave
・Marcato interval performance
11 PERF INTERVAL FAST・Legato・Marcato
12 PERF TRILL・Trills, legato, minor 2nd to major 3rd
13 PERF REPETITION・Legato slow
・Portato fast
・Staccato fast
・Legato fast
・Portato slow
・Staccato slow
・Dynamics for all repetitions
・Staccato fast triplets
14 PERF UPBEAT REPETITION・1 and 2 upbeats, slow and fast, normal and dynamics
15 FAST REPETITION・Staccato, 9 repetitions, 170 to 210 BPM
・Staccato triplets, 12 repetitions, 140 to 180 BPM
16 GRACE NOTES・Grace notes
・Minor 2nd to octave
・Up and down
17 SCALE RUNS・Octave runs
・Legato, major and minor from C to B key
・Chromatic and whole tone
・Up and down
・2 speeds for all
18 ARPEGGIOS・Arpeggios
・Legato and staccato
・Diminished, major and minor from C to B key
・Up and down
・2 speeds for all
・Please note that the playing ranges vary with the key of the Patch used.
・Graphic:(*EINFUGENGRAFIK "Mapping_tifs\\Arpeggios.tif"*)
19 MORDENTS・Mordents
・Legato and staccato
・Up and down
・6 variations each
・The samples are mapped to their target note
・Graphic:(*EINFUGENGRAFIK "Mapping_tifs\\mordents.tif"*)
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (pp, p, mf, f)
・Interval performances: Legato with sustain crossfading

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato short
・Sustained with and without vibrato
・Portato long with vibrato
・Portato long without vibrato, hard and soft attack
・Sustained with progressive vibrato
02 DYNAMICS・Crescendo-diminuendo with vibrato, 2 and 4 sec.
・Fortepiano with vibrato
・Sforzato with vibrato
・Medium crescendo and diminuendo with vibrato, 2, 3, 4 sec.
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo without vibrato, 2, 3, 4 sec.
・pfp with vibrato, 8 sec.
・pfp without vibrato, 3, 5, 8 sec.
・Fortepiano and sforzato without vibrato, sforzatissimo with and without vibrato
03 FLATTER + TRILLS・Flutter tonguing normal and dynamics
・Trills constant speed, minor and major 2nd
・Trills accelerando, minor and major 2nd
・Dynamics for all trills
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato・Grace notes, legato, minor 2nd to octave
・Marcato interval performance
11 PERF INTERVAL FAST・Legato・Marcato
12 PERF TRILL・Trills, legato, minor 2nd to major 3rd
13 PERF REPETITION・Legato slow
・Portato fast
・Staccato fast
・Legato fast
・Portato slow
・Staccato slow
・Dynamics for all repetitions
14 GRACE NOTES・Grace notes
・Minor 2nd to octave
・Up and down
15 SCALE RUNS・Octave runs
・Major and minor, C to B key
・Chromatic and whole tone
・Up and down
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (pp, p, mf, f)
・Interval performances: Legato with sustain crossfading

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato short
・Sustained without vibrato
・Portato long with normal, hard, and soft attack
02 DYNAMICS・Crescendo-diminuendo, 2 and 4 sec.
・Light crescendo and diminuendo, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 sec.
・Medium and strong crescendo and diminuendo, 2, 3, 4, and 6 sec.
・pfp 3, 5, 8, and 10 sec.
・fpf 4 and 6 sec.
03 FLATTER + TRILLS・Flutter tonguing normal and crescendo
・Trills, minor and major 2nd
・Trills, minor and major 3rd
・Trills accelerando, minor and major 2nd
・Dynamics for all trills
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato・Grace notes, legato, minor 2nd to octave
・Marcato interval performance
11 PERF INTERVAL FAST・Legato・Marcato
12 PERF TRILL・Trills, legato, minor 2nd to major 3rd
13 PERF REPETITION・Legato slow
・Portato fast
・Staccato fast
・Legato fast
・Portato slow
・Staccato slow
・Dynamics for all repetitions
14 PERF UPBEAT REPETITION・1 and 2 upbeats
・Slow and fast
・Normal and dynamics
15 FAST REPETITION・Staccato, 9 repetitions, 140 to 170 BPM
・Normal and dynamics
16 GRACE NOTES・Grace notes
・Minor 2nd to octave
・Up and down
17 GLISSANDI・Performance glissandos, slow and fast
・Fixed glissandos, minor 2nd to octave, up and down, slow and fast
・Please note that fixed glissandos have different up and down ranges.
18 SCALE RUNS・Octave runs
・Legato major, C to B key, 2 speeds
・Legato minor, C to B key
・Chromatic and whole tone
・Up and down
19 ARPEGGIOS・Arpeggios
・Legato and staccato
・Diminished, major and minor from C to B key
・Up and down
・2 speeds for all
・Please note that the playing ranges vary with the key of the Patch used.
・Graphic:(*EINFUGENGRAFIK "Mapping_tifs\\Arpeggios.tif"*)
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff)
・Interval performances: Legato with sustain crossfading

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato short
・Portato medium
・Portato long with normal and strong vibrato
・Portato long without vibrato, normal and marcato
・Sustained with normal, progressive, and without vibrato
02 DYNAMICS・Crescendo-diminuendo with vibrato, 3 and 5 sec.
・Fortepiano without vibrato
・Sforzato without vibrato
・Medium crescendo and diminuendo with vibrato, 2, 3, and 5 sec.
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo with vibrato, 3 and 5 sec.
・Medium crescendo and diminuendo without vibrato, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, and 6 sec.
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo without vibrato, 3, 4, and 6 sec.
・pfp with vibrato, 8 sec.
・fpf with vibrato, 5 sec.
・pfp without vibrato, 4, 6, 8, and 10 sec.
・fpf without vibrato, 6 and 8 sec.
・Sforzatissimo without vibrato
03 FLATTER + TRILLS・Flutter tonguing
・Trills, half and whole tone
・Trills dynamics
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato・Grace notes
・Marcato interval performance
11 PERF INTERVAL FAST・Legato・Marcato
12 PERF TRILL・Trills, legato, minor 2nd to major 3rd
13 PERF REPETITION・Legato slow
・Portato fast
・Legato fast
・Portato slow
・Dynamics for all repetitions
14 PERF UPBEAT REPETITION・1 and 2 upbeats, slow and fast, normal and dynamics
15 FAST REPETITION・Staccato, 9 repetitions
・140 to 180 BPM
・Normal and dynamics
16 GRACE NOTES・Grace notes
・Minor 2nd to octave
・Up and down
17 SCALE RUNS・Octave runs
・Major and minor, C to B key
・Chromatic and whole tone
・Up and down
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (p, mf, f, ff)
・Interval performances: Legato with sustain crossfading

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato, portato short, sustained with vibrato・Portato medium
02 DYNAMICS・Fortepiano, vibrato
・Sforzato, vibrato
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo with vibrato, 2, 3, and 5 sec.
・Sforzatissimo with vibrato
03 CLUSTER + TRILLS・Clusters, normal and sforzato
・Trills, half and whole tone
・Trills dynamics
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato・Marcato
11 PERF INTERVAL FAST・Legato・Marcato
12 PERF TRILL・Trills, legato, minor 2nd to major 3rd
・Dynamics for all repetitions
14 SCALE RUNS・Octave runs
・Chromatic and whole tone
・Up and down
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (p, mf, f)
・Interval performances: Legato with sustain crossfading

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato short
・Portato medium
02 DYNAMICS・Fortepiano
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo, 2, 3, and 5 sec.
03 CLUSTER + TRILLS・Clusters, normal and sforzato
・Trills, half and whole tone
・Trills dynamics
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato・Marcato
11 PERF INTERVAL FAST・Legato・Marcato
12 PERF TRILL・Trills, legato, minor 2nd to major 3rd
・Dynamics for all repetitions
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (p, mf, f)
・Interval performances: Legato with sustain crossfading

01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato short
・Portato medium
02 DYNAMICS・Fortepiano
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo, 2, 3, and 5 sec.
03 CLUSTER + TRILLS・Clusters, normal and sforzato
・Trills, half and whole tone
・Trills dynamics
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato・Marcato
11 PERF INTERVAL FAST・Legato・Marcato
12 PERF TRILL・Trills, legato, minor 2nd to major 3rd
・Dynamics for all repetitions
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (pp, p, mf, f)
・Interval performances: Legato with sustain crossfading


01 SHORT + LONG NOTES・Staccato
・Portato short
・Portato medium
02 DYNAMICS・Fortepiano
・Strong crescendo and diminuendo, 2, 3, and 5 sec.
03 CLUSTER + TRILLS・Clusters, normal and sforzato
・Trills, half and whole tone
・Trills dynamics
10 PERF INTERVAL・Legato・Marcato
11 PERF INTERVAL FAST・Legato・Marcato
12 PERF TRILL・Trills, legato, minor 2nd to major 3rd
13 PERF REPETITION・Legato, portato, staccato・Dynamics for all repetitions
98 RESOURCES・Isolated dynamics repetitions
・Single layer long notes (p, mf, f)
・Interval performances: Legato with sustain crossfading

・本製品のご利用にはiLok License Manager(無償)の導入と、iLokドングル(iLok2/iLok3)またはiLok Cloud(ドングル不要)を使用した認証が別途必要です。
